Monday, February 1, 2010

"Moon Man" Backpacking gear.

I saw this on whiteblaze and literally almost pee'd my pants from laughing so hard. Check out the hommies in the picutre on the right, chillin' in their gangsta stance with their moon man outfits. hahaha! Now I'm all about being warm out in the woods while I'm backpacking, and using gear that does some double duty, but seriously, SERIOUSLY.... hiking in my sleeping bag? I had to laugh at these outfits. I don't think I could wear this in public, let alone in the woods. It's like a down snuggy. HAHA! Anyways, to whom ever can seriously sports these with a straight face. More power to you. I hope it keeps you toasty warm and comfy. But if I see you, (just be forwarned) you might hear me yelling out things like "HEY TELETUBBY, PILLOW BOY, DOWN CLOWN, MARSHMELLOW, and Yo! MOONMAN" between laughs. Man I hope I see someone wearing this shit on the trail. HAHA! Til next time.... GET OUTDOORS!!!

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