Saturday, February 20, 2010

Double Adventure Day

Today was suppose to be a rest day, but Boo and I had other plans. It's been a while since we went on a hike with the dogs, so we decided to treat them and take them on a little adventure. We headed down to Anne Springs Park in SC. It was an easy 5 mile hike, but with lots of water for the dogs to frolic in. As we pull up, we forgot that in SC you have to actually pay to play. So we coughed over 2 bucks each for the entrance fee. We got a map and set out our course. As we park, the dogs are freaking out. They wanted to get out of the car so bad! We finally hit the trail, with the dogs pulling me on the leash. We get down to the lake and decide to do some soft, rolling hill trails before walking the 1.3 miles around the lake. The hike was so easy, yet so frustrating. There were no trail markers listed anywhere and a ton of intersecting trails every quarter of a mile. You really had to guess where you were and hope you hopped on the right trail. After an exasperating few miles, we decided to head back to the lake trail. (Quick rant on SC park system. Seriously Lower state, you need to work on the parks trail signage at Anne Springs. I mean, what are my $2 for? Those fancy colored maps? Just print maps on recycled paper and invest the rest in trail markers. Please, it would make for a less stressful outing, not to mention those novice hikers with no orienteering skills might not get lost in your bowl of spaghetti trail system you got going on. OK, rant over.) There were lots of people on the lake trail, so we had to make sure we had the dogs under control. I had brought Thing 1's Chuck it flying frisbee, so we stopped near an open section of the lake and threw the frisbee into the lake for about 1/2 an hour. Thing 1 loved it, and had several people stop just to watch him retrieve his bright orange and blue frisbee. We kept hearing people mention what a beautiful dog he was. Boo says, he thinks we might be taking our dogs for granted. We step back and try to look at our goofy, clumsy, chocolate lab with new eyes and realize that we were taking our lovable galoot for granted. He really is a beautiful dog, even if he is clumsy and silly. Sometimes it just takes another persons opinion to remind you of what you have. Thing 2 cooled herself off in the water, but made sure to stay by my side most of the time. After leashing everyone up again, we finished the 1.3 miles around the lake and headed home. The dogs slept in the car and Boo and I realized we still had some energy left. So we decided to drop the dogs at home and head out for another adventure.

After lunch, we headed out to the local disc golf course. It's been awhile since we played, so I was actually looking forward to playing. The course was packed! Boo and I got in line to tee off and actually did a pretty good job at keeping up with the flow. We lost the guys behind us, so it was nice not having pressure to hurry up at each tee. I played pretty average, but I did get 1 birdie. Boo on the other hand played so well. He got 8 birdies! New record! He has over grown this course. It's too easy for him and he definitely needs a challenge. Overall it was a wonderful day. We got in a hike, even if it had some bad to no trail markers, and got in a great game of frisbee golf. Til next time... GET OUTDOOR!!!

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