Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 5, Run 3

I was sooooo stressed over this run. I worried about it for 2 whole days! I wasn't sure I could complete it and that's b/c this week's run was for a full 20 minutes. Considering the longest run I've done so far has been 8 minutes, this week's 20 minute run seemed impossible. I mean it would be more than twice as long as I've run on this program. So yeah, this last run for week 5 was very intimidating. On top of that, I put it off once again by deciding not to do it this morning, but to wait til the evening. I think I was just nervous, afraid I'd fail, not finish the run, and disappoint myself. I know, I know... I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but I really wanted to accomplish this. So I had another full day to worry. Oh, and it gets better. So, not only did I worry about this evenings run all day, but it started to snow. AGAIN! As I looked out the window from my office, I watched snowflakes after snowflakes falling from the sky. At first I was like, YES!, another excuse to not run. But the more I watched the snow falling, the more I knew I HAD to do this. I had to at least TRY. So as the snow blanketed everything, I drove home, changed into my running clothes, kissed Boo goodbye (he's sick and shouldn't be out in this weather), jumped back into my car, and headed for the track.

The snow came down like sheets of rain. I was literally dusting it off my shoulders and arms. I tightened the scarf around my neck and started the podcast. After the 5 minute warm up, I heard the prompt to start my 20 minute run. And as I listened to "Crazy" by Brittany Spears (this week's podcast is all pop music) I began my run by thinking, I must be crazy, to be attempting a 20 minute run in blizzard conditions! I chugged along and when I heard Suz on the podcast tell me I was half done, only 10 more minutes to go, I cracked a smile. I kept bouncing along, shaking the snow off my fleece jacket and listening to the words in the songs to take my mind off the run. Let me tell you, those boy bands really do have something to say. I don't think I ever really listened to the words on some of those songs. Anyways, then I heard Suz pop on and say "Congratulations, you finished your first 20 minute run." I did it!! I did it!! I freaking ran for 20 minutes! Whoo Hoo!! I jumped up in the air and fist pumped like the Jersey Shore kids. I finished my 5 minute cool down walking around the track with the hugest grin ever. And as I looked around, I finally noticed just how beautiful the falling snow looked and how white, clean, and pristine everything appeared. What a beautiful night, and for me, what a sense of accomplishment. What I take away from this run, is that sometimes we psych ourselves out of things that our bodies are capable of doing. I'm going to remember this lesson, and when I start to hear that nagging little voice inside me telling me it's impossible, I'm going to continue to chug along and know that I am capable of anything. Til next time... GET OUTDOORS!!!

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