Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 4, Run 2

Since it's been snowing, icing, and all around cold, Boo and I decided to go jogging in the evening. So as soon as I got home, I changed into my sneaks, and we headed out to the track. It was still light out, which was a nice surprise. I've gotten so used to running in the early dark hours of the morning that I forgot how the track looked in daylight :) I thought running in the evening would pose a slight problem. You see, I'm usually no good after 6pm. I turn into a pumpkin and hibernate on the couch and watch stuff I've DVR'ed all day. So this evening workout was a bit of a test for me, but I think I passed with flying colors. I wasn't tired, it was light out, and it was actually warmer. I had a good workout and completed my second run of week 4. I warmed up for 5 minutes, jogged for 3 min, walked 90 seconds, jogged 5 minutes and did it all over again for another set. But let me tell you, the last 5 minutes was tough. My calves are starting to feel it now and the song for the last 5 min. jog SUCKS. It's a techno song and I hate techno music and it's a really loooooonnng 5 minute techno song. So no motivation there. I have to actually make my mind wander so I don't feel the pain in my calves or my lungs or my ears. Let's hope next weeks music selection is good. Til next time.... GET OUTDOORS!!!

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