Friday, May 7, 2010


This Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Boo and I got up around 5am. We are getting back into the groove of things and so glad to be back on track (literally! hahaha!) Anyways, the track is still pretty dark at that time of day and on Wednesday it was completely socked in with fog. That was a creepy, eerie day to run. I couldn't see more than 20 feet in front of me and felt like at any minute, some zombie may reach out and grab me. haha! Yes, my mind is still over active at 5am. By Friday, I had a much better run. I realized that I was jogging for distance and actually getting my mileage in on the time frame I was supposed. Basically I was running 8 minute 3/4 miles, twice, with a 5 min. break in between. Which is alot faster than I had been jogging and a lot tougher on my lungs. But I figure, they are building stamina too. So I think this time I will be running for distance instead of time. Til next time... GET OUTDOORS!!!

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