Friday, August 20, 2010

Workouts for Week 2

This weeks workouts were pretty good. It started with a hike on Saturday with my friend Becky. We then did some Yoga on Sunday with a new instructor, that I didn't like. Not that I didn't like her personally, but I didn't like her yoga routine or the way she massaged our feet as we rested the last five minutes of class. Too weird, plus she talked waaaay too much for me to enjoy the calmness that yoga is supposed to bring and I think she f'ed up my left calf, cause since her yoga class, it's not been right.

On Monday, Becky and I did the week 2 workout 1 of the C25k program.

On Tuesday, I met my other friend Tracy and we started a new strength training program. We were assigned this 12 yr old Governor Arnold looking boy with emo hair that was constantly in his face to show us how to use the free weights. Well Zak sucked. He briefly went over the weights and cables for like 10 minutes and then, all hood like, said, "YOU GOOD?" Really? did he just say that to us? I looked over at Tracy and mockingly said "You good?" She says, "Good, you good?" Then to Zak I said "We good." (GOD I so wanted to roll my eyes just then.) I asked him to write up the routine he flew through so we could start some sort of weight training. After an hour at the gym, we had finished up chest presses, chest flys, bicep curls, tricep exercises, ab workout on a balancing ball, shoulder workouts on cables, and walking lunges that were crazy hard. The next morning I texted Tracy to see how she was feeling, and it wasn't pretty.

Wednesday Becky and I did week 2 workout 2 of the C25k program and we ended the day with a spin class. It was actually not that bad.

Thursday I woke up so soar it hurt to even move out of bed. My abs killed from all the sit ups and the back of my thighs ached from the walking lunges. I wanted to call Tracy and cancel our workout, but Boo made me stick it out. So I met Tracy after a ridiculous traffic jam day. It took me almost an hour to drive 4 miles. I got to the gym late, but then so did Tracy. We both were hurting but we had to work out. I saw that in 10 minutes they were going to start a cycle class and I asked if she was interested. She said sure! lets try it. So off we go to pick out our bikes. Our normal instructor was out on vacay, so we had some guy named Teri subbing from another Y. Well.... let's just call him Psycho Cyclist. He was like the drill sargent of spin class. I mean he was yelling, walking around screaming for us to hit it harder! turning up our tension to make the bike pedaling harder, checking to see if we were sweating enough. I mean he would walk right up to you to see if you were exerting and sweating! and if you weren't he would yell! This guy was nuts! AND he had us up off the seat for 90% of the workout. It was crazy hard. Poor Tracy kept looking over at me with a painful look on her face. I felt so bad, she will never come back to a cycle class ever. After our workout, we wobbled up to the stretching area and Tracy rolled herself down onto the mat. We both cracked up at how stiff we were feeling. We stretched for a good 15 minutes and noticed a really fit couple, that was in the cycle class with us. They walk up and ask how we liked the class. I told them it was Tracy's first spin class and they pleaded to her that this was not a normal spin class and to please come back. Even they were hurting! Tracy said she would be up for another class, so the Psycho Cyclist didn't scare her away.

Friday morning I ran/walked again with Becky to finish up my Week 2 Day 3 work out of the Couch to 5k program and it was tough. My legs were fatigued from all I did this week but I finished the last set of runs pretty strong. Tonight I am definitely taking it easy cause I got so crazy plans with the ATL girls this weekend and I am looking forward to it! Til next time... GET OUTDOORS!!!

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