Saturday, August 14, 2010

5 mile Hike

Today I invited Becky back out for another easy 5 mile day hike. I picked her up around 8am and we zoomed up to Troutman NC where we were meeting a group to go hiking. It's one of my favorite local trails, Lake Norman State Park's, Lakeshore trail. It's a nice rolling trail, nothing too steep or too crazy, but enough to get your hear pumping and your body sweating. We started out following Mike, he hiked at a good pace, so we kept up him and got in a good workout.

With a nice 15 minute break at the half way point, we finished up in just under 2 hours. And let me tell you, I was sweating up a storm! All in all it was a great day to be out, it was nice and overcast, so not so hot, the trail was tree covered to keep us cooler, and the breeze floating off the lake was just what we needed to keep us going at a good pace. There were a few times when we didn't talk cause we needed to breathe, but other than that it was a great beginner hike. Til next time... GET OUTDOORS!!!

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