Friday, April 2, 2010

Brick workout

Today was a major wake up call. I decided to join some REAL triathletes for a brick training session. By real, I mean they are training for a regular triathlon, not a sprint one like I'm doing. Here is the difference. A sprint triathlete swims 400m, bikes 12 miles, and runs a 5k. A regular triathlete swims 1 mile, bikes 25 miles, runs a 10k. And an Iron man triathlete swims 2.4 miles, bikes 112 miles, and runs a full marathon at 26.2 miles (now that is hard core!)

The guys I met are training for a regular triathlon and WOW... talk about serious athletes. While I took my mountain bike on bike paths, they owned the roads on their road bikes. I didn't feel too safe riding in traffic so I left that to the big boys. When we ran the 5k loop I slow jogged but mostly walked while they ran it, TWICE! and lapped me. The wake up call came when I realized I have a long way to go. It's no joke.

I thought I could handle a brick workout, but it's alot harder than I thought. Normally I either just jog, or just bike, but a brick workout is doing two sports, one right after the other. So I biked for 5 miles and jogged/walked a 5k. These guys biked 10 miles and jogged a 10k. But the best thing that happened to me was when one guy goes, hope to see you next time and another one says that I inspired him. WHAT!!! ME? huffing and puffing up the hill, barely able to catch my breathe, cycling on the greenway cause I was too scared of the road. How can I inspire? He just said he loved seeing new runners out there trying and not giving up. Wow... who would of thunk that I would be inspiration to these amazing athletes. From my perspective, they inspire me. The pushed me out of my comfort zone and motivated me to be a better athlete.

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