Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Long Distance Hikes

Ever since Boo, the dogs, and I completed the 20 mile, 3 day hike from Max Patch to Hot Springs, I've been itching to do another long distance hike. There are two that I think would be great to try out over a 10 or 7 or 5 day period. The first one is the 76 mile Foothills Trail. It is a woodland path along the Blue Ridge escarpment of the southern Applachian Moutains. It goes from the Oconee State Park in South Carolina to Table Rock State Park in North Carolina (or vice versa.) From what I have read, it sounds like a great beginning to long distance hiking/backpacking trail, and one that my dogs can travel on with me. We would go from SC to NC, starting with the gradual terrain and leaving the tougher, higher climbs for the end of the trail. I am looking forward to trying it out sometime in 2009, maybe Spring.
The second long distance trail is the 70 miles through the
Great Smokies National Park in North Carolina. Its a bit tougher and higher elevation and I've read the rangers are pretty strick in enforcing the 7 day policy through the park. I know you have to register b/c you can only camp at the designated shelters (no stealth camping) so the shelters are what would dictate the mileage for each day and NO, the shelters are not quite spaced out 10 miles apart. That would be too easy!! hahaha!! On this hike, some days we would do 6 miles, and some days 15 miles. So its a bit more of a challenge for us novice long distance hiker wanna-be's. Plus, the GSNP does not allow dogs, so this hike would be just Boo and Me. Considering our longest hike we've done so far is roughly 20 miles, I've got some lofty dreams of doing the Foothills or GSNP. But I am confident we could do it because, we (me, Boo and the dogs) make a great backpacking team. So it there will lots of gym time to get in better shape, and a few real hikes sprinkled in this winter to get us ready for a nice long distance hike sometime in 2009! Wow, its not even New Years and I've got a new year resolution/goal already.... hahhaha!! I suppose I'm so excited at the prospect of doing this, that just the planning is motivating me. :) Til next time, GET OUTDOORS!!

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