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Family Bike Trip
We had so much fun on the first trip down the Virginia Creeper Trail that Boo and I decided to invite my paren
ts to enjoy the bike ride. We were actually supposed to go last weekend, but the weather was terrible, (rain all day Sunday) and the horrible "gas scare" saga was continued. But it actually turned out for the best because this past weekend was absolutely the most perfect fall day for this trip. It started with a phone call on Saturday to remind my "always late" mom to make sure she is ready to go by 8am. Not wake up by 8am, but be dressed and READY TO GO by 8am. She is notoriously late for everthing. I'm surprised we are even related because if I am on time for something, I think I'm late. I am notoriously early for everything. Hahahaha! Makes for an interesting childhood. ;) Anyways, so we show up at 8 on the dot and she is, of course, still getting ready. I bust into her room to hurry her along and see that she is bundled like she is going skiing! Layers upon layers of clothes, ugg boots, a sweater, AND a coat. I'm like "mom, what are you doing? I said it was going to be brisk, not blizzard." I had wait for her to change. In the mean time, my dad is nowhere to be found. He dropped off the twins my mom sometime watches back at their house. Boo thinks it would be cool to see the little rug rats biking down the trail, so we decided to pick them up along the way and take them to VA with us. After only getting lost once, we FINALLY make it to Whitetop VA and the bike rental shop. The nice lady tells
me she remembers me b/c I have a good personality about me. Blushing, I thank her for compliment and for keeping our reservation so late. We start handing out the bikes and realize there is only one childs blue bike and one childs purple bike. Problem is we have two BOYS who refuse to ride on a purple bike. The tears start streaming and I think... here we go...... We have to convince them to share both bikes and trade off at each stop. I try to distract them with the reward of Ice cream as soon as we finish the trail and that purple is a way cooler color than blue (they don't buy it). Finally get everyone going. Boo, my dad, and one of the twins takes off for the trail head, which is 1 mile from the bike rental shop. I wait on my mom, who hasn't been on a bike in like 20 years, and the purple biked twin. Mom starts out a bit rusty, but gets the hang of it. We are about 1/2 mile away from the trail head when the purple biked looses controland crashes right on the pavement. My mom, who has forgotten how to stop a bike, jumps off to help the now screaming twin, and comes to a tumbling fall. ( I think, wow, we aren't even to the trail head yet, can this crew make it 17 miles?) I use tough love and force the whiney twin back on the bike. I tell him to follow directly behind me and to use his hand brakes. Mom finally gets back on the bike and we make it sloooooooowly to the trail head. We stop to zip up the jackets b/c it's a brisky fall afternoon and my mom, once again, falls off the bike and tumbles to the ground. She then starts to pick apples off the apple trees at the trail head. I yell over to her and she braves the bike again. We are FINALLY off, down the 17 mile trail to Damascus for our reward of ice cream. I pray that no one will get fa
tally wounded and try to enjoy my trip. Boo holds up the front with my dad and blue bike, while I take up the rear watching my mom and purple bike closely. As it turned out, my mom only crashed 3 times. Once with each twin and once on her own. Both twins crash only 2 times, once with my mom and once with each other. Oh.... and purple bike.... he got stung by a bee, but he was a trooper and kept going once I reminded him of the ice cream at the end. We stop about mid way for a picnic and by then, everyone has worked out all the kinks and are pretty confident on their bikes. The last half flew by pretty fast and we finally make it to the ice cream shop. It was definately a nice reward, we pedal thru town like pro's and get to the shuttle for the ride back up to the car. The twins, (who are 6 by the way), are having a hard time keeping their eyes open. On the way back home, we relive our biking adventure and how it was one of the best things we have ever done. I just smiled deep down inside, knowing that everyone (after all the ruckus) experienced the peacefulness I feel when I'm in the outdoors. I'm so glad I was able to share this with the ones I loved. Til next time GET OUTDOORS!
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